Dog Behaviour Transformation with a targeted, tailor-made plan from Dr Tom Mitchell & Team.
From barking to separation anxiety, reactivity to pulling on lead, you are just a behaviour plan away from your dog-owning dream.
Veterinary Professionals - get your free eBook
I've created a brand-new eBook, especially for Professionals, to help you navigate the tricky topics of castration and Behaviour, including 6 free 'done-for-you' Behaviour Consultation templates. Download it at the link below.
Free Behaviour eBookWe welcome referrals from Veterinarians and Animal Professionals
Want to refer a case? Use our two-minute referral form to refer a case to our team!
Vet Referral FormNext Up! Get a Tailor-Made Plan to Transform Your Dog's Behaviour Struggle
To unlock the dream that made you get a dog in the first place.

Step 1: Get in Touch with Our Expert Team
We'll get you booked in with one of the team trained and led by Dr Tom Mitchell BSc BVSc MRCVS

Step 2: Tune in for Your Remote Behaviour Consultation
In this session, the team will unlock the secrets of WHY your dog is behaving they way they are and create a target plan of games and strategies.

Step 3: Implement the Strategies & Play the Games We Give You
It doesn't have to be difficult! In fact if it has been difficult in the past, it's probably not the right plan!

Step 4: Live The Dream of Owning a Dog!
That might be long stress-free walks for you, it might be trips to the pub or having a companion you can do everything with. It's your dream - realised!
Ready to Start Your 4 Steps to Your Dream?
Use this form to apply for a consultation with the team.
Insured with Pet Plan UK? We'll explain the process when we reply to your enquiry to have your consultations covered completely.

Mayuri Kerr
"I have a rescue dog who I had trained for three years without seeing behavioral improvement in some areas. I reached out to Dr. Tom Mitchell and he cut straight to the heart of the issue and gave us a simple but very effective games-based training plan. A few months on and the behavior issues have almost completely resolved."

Stephanie Bailey
"I had become very stuck with how to help my reactive little dog , we had reached a plateau . The consultation with Tom was amazing. He really understood her needs and with great insight and skill gave us a focused transformation plan. We have been playing the specific games and ,3 weeks later we have big improvements, its been amazing, real life results. I would highly recommend a consultation with Tom."

Rhoda Daniels
"Fantastic service. I had a 1 hour internet based appointment and Tom spent almost two hours with us. Felt Tom really understood what we were going through and explained everything thoroughly. Given clear instructions on what exactly to do to improve things. Can’t recommend highly enough. And Petplan insurance paid for it."

Jessie Cro
"First walk since our consultation and she didn't lose her marbles once at dogs, people or anything moving with the strategies the team gave us!"
3 months on...
"Oh my word! Last year, my girl was a growling monster at Christmas, she couldn't cope with all the hustle and bustle and people wanting to stroke her! This year, she was a cool, calm and collected angel!"

Emily Anderson
"Leo had a traumatic experience in March, which totally knocked his confidence and he developed pretty severe anxiety about EVERYTHING! I couldn't leave the room without him howling and he totally freaked out if he thought anyone other than me was going to touch him. We had a consultation in April and we're now at a point where his anxiety is all but gone!""
What can you expect from a Behavet consultation?
A Behavet consultation is all about achieving real-life results for you and your dog. You had a vision of the life you wanted with your dog and it isn't quite matching up right now - now what?

You need to understand WHY your dog is doing what they are doing.
Whether it be barking and lunging at other dogs, separation anxiety, resource guarding or simply not listening to you!

You need a plan of 100% reward-based games, strategies and techniques that WORK.
The most stressful place to be is where you don't know WHAT to do - we are all about you being clear about what to do and making sure you are spending your limited time on what will make the biggest difference.

You need support from real experts
There are so many so-called experts out there when it comes to dogs - you need access to support from experts that have been there and done that and transformed the struggles you are experiencing for themselves.
A Behavet Behaviour Consultation
Wherever Your Are in the World!
Everything You Get:
Contact the Team About a Consultation
Meet Tom!
Tom is a world-renowned veterinarian, trainer and behaviourist who gets a kick out of turning struggles that others have labelled as "no hope" to amazing strengths. Now he's trained a team of vet behaviourists to deliver the transformations!
Start Here! Get the Behavet FREE Workbook to Reduce BARKING!
In this, you'll work through the 4 steps to reduce barking in the home and on walks.
Let us know where the team should send your workbook below.